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![]() | ![]() | the interviews that you will find here come from my friend Nick Martinelly aka Shreddemon he has a very cool guitar site called Shreddzone- you can find a link to his site in the links page He took 2 very cool interviews of Stefan and Mat and he allowed me to use them- thank you, Nick!!!!! | ![]() | ![]() |
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![]() | ![]() | Mat Sinner Interview Interviewer: Nick Martinelli 11/14/2001 ![]() What can I say about this Monstrous Power Metal bands Primal Fear other than they are true METAL GODS! Ive been listening to them since day one. A few years ago I walked into my favorite record store Impulse Records www.impulserecords.com and heard them being played over the stereo. I was looking through the bins and couldnt stop head banging like all you have did when you heard Primal Fear for the first time. I then asked the Co-owner who this band was and he told me Primal Fear. I bought the CD immediately and havent stopped listening to it since. My next trip in I was recommended some Sinner which was Mat Sinners other band. I bought The Nature of Evil and again Ive been hooked ever since. These two bands help carry the flag for metal in the new century and are breaking new ground in metal these days thats for sure. They are truly an original acts in their own right. Well Primal Fear fans, here is an in-depth interview with the heart and soul of Primal Fear, bassist Mat Sinner. It covers personal tidbits, as well as Sinner and Primal fear related topics. Dont worry; we didnt forget a grilling on his bass playing. Mat is the first bassist to be featured on The Shred Zone. And after this interview, its safe to say that we may see him back now and then when his schedule permits or when he can grace us with his glory for another one. On we go... Give us some background and personal history about yourself. Birthplace, where you grew up, where you reside now, etc (As much as you like) I was born in Stuttgart/Germany and I live there till today. I play bass & guitar since my 12th birthday, when my aunt bought me my first guitar. Then my first band with 14 after taking lessons, with 15 years my first official gig with a band called Crayfish, the band changed to Shiva a very good power rock trio, similar to the music of Jimi Hendrix with more metal influences. I left this band to found my own band Sinner. I recorded a lot of albums with this band, as I decided in summer 1997 to form a band with my friend Ralf Scheepers and this band was Primal Fear. Ive read you were a serious soccer player when you were younger, what made you pursue, music instead of that??? I really dont know. I was a real good player and I played in our national team with the age of 14, but guitars changed my view and on stage, legs cant be hurt by defense players of the other team. Anyway I never stopped playing soccer I just decided that music is my No. 1 focus. What music where you into early on or just always a metal head? (List artists, bands and why you liked them) As I heard Deep Purples Burn for the first time, it totally blew me away. Coverdales & Hughes voices and the power the band really kicked a*** - then I listened to Led Zeppeling, Thin Lizzy, Judas Priest and with my band Shiva Ive learnt more about Jimi Hendrix, Frank Marino, The Stones and The Beatles. But I was a little more into metal, than into the old stuff. We toured with Whitesnake this was my first real tour and I had great talkings with David Coverdale. That was really the guy, why I decided to get a pro musican. Thanks David again! Who are some of your favorite bands and artists; past, present, now? At the moment I like the new albums of Rob Zombie, The Calling, Prime Sth, Lifehouse one of the most important albums to me is Kip Wingers soloalbum this conversation seems like a dream outstanding, fantastic. I even like the new single of the Backstreet Boys even if some fans will kill me. They can sing! Then I like to listen to great singers like Sting, David Coverdale, Rob Halford, Sammy Hagar, Steve Perry or John Waite. I like Van Halen a lot, Thin Lizzy and Phil Lynott were very cool, Creed, Him, the Neurotic Outsiders album was great I really think that Steve Jones is the best rhythm guitar player ever, Billy Idol is cool and I really like the Dave Matthews Band. The album of David Coverdale and Jimmy Page was something special for me - Is this enough? I know that you started playing guitar first, so how did the transition to bass happen and when? It was when Shiva decided to go on as a three piece. I chenged the guitar with a bass and I felt well. Who are/were some of your bass influences and who did you look up to early on that kicked you butt? Oh I never got really, but Phil Lynott of Thin Lizzy was a hero, Glenn Hughes was cool and Sting really was great example of how to play an excellent bass while singing lead vocals. What drove you to become the player you have become today? Music is in my blood and if I hear a great song, something happens that will always be the same. How did Sinner come about? I was bored about the three piece thing. I just wanted to work with two guitar player and harmony solos etc. Thats why I decided to make my own band. One thing thats noticeable about Sinner is that there has been many line up changes. Is there a reason why there seems to be different players on each CD. Do you prefer to have different artists on each CD or do they players leave and do other things? In the beginning it was really confusing, I agree but in the nineties, there was a stable basic and not a lot of changes. If you are younger, you have to learn and you react different. If you had to choose your favorite Sinner album what would it be and also what is your favorite Sinner tune? In my view the nature of evil is the best album and the best tune is devils river and a question of honour. I like judgemebnt day and the end of sanctuary too. comin out fighting was the best album of our albums in the eighties. What can we expect from the upcoming Sinner CD? I dont have a clue at the moment. I just decided who will be with me playing on the album, cause I have to focus on Primal Fear these days. The new Sinner album will be my vacation, something really special recording and writing with a bunch of friends in a cool atmosphere, thats what Im looking out for no ego shit and endless discussions. Can you give us a brief lesson on how the Furious power metal band Primal Fear formed? What efforts to you contribute to the forming? I live in the same city with Ralf Scheepers and I know him for about 15 years. We never played in the same band cause were both singers. In the summer of 97 we decided to write some songs together and it worked out that well, that we decided to form a band that was Primal Fear. How did PF go about getting a record contract or was it a project put together from someone already on a label? We recorded 4 songs and sent these songs to our japanese record company JVC. They were enthusiastic and offered us a sensational record deal. We recorded the first album with their deal and could wait for offers for the rest of the world. If you had to choose your favorite Primal Fear album what would it be and also what are your favorite PF tunes? Nuclear Fire is by far my favourite one. Songs: Angel in Black, Nuclear Fire, Tears of Rage, Final Embrace and a lot more How did the brutal sound of PF evolve from start and to the present? The one thing I love about the band is that each album progresses. In the sense that we get different song structures and each track is quite distinct form another. What kind of mindset do you and PF have when you write songs and put together an album? The players are extremly experienced and heavy hitters. The singals are so good, that you can take the faders to the limit. I like to place the drums ever listenable between very loud guitars and were always working on our very own sound and get the most brutal pressure on tape. I didnt have a chance to make it down to you one of your first United States visits at the Milwaukee Metal fest this past summer (and beat myself up everyday for not being able to go), how did you like finally playing for an American Audience. I hear from others that us Americans cant rock as hard as the Euro fans? Did you notice any truth to that? Can we count on Primal Fear coming Stateside regularly? It was the second show. We played the New Jersey Metalfest in April. I can say that both audiences were extremely loud and gave everything they can. The supported us like heroes. It was really cool to play, cause we were very tired about our horror travel, but the audience were really cool and of course we will come back! Ive often read that you guys have been heavily compared to Judas Priest articles saying, Theyve taken off where Painkiller left off. How do you feel about such comparisons? Were playing the music we really can do best and we deliver. Judas Priest dont deliver anymore. Rob Halford delivers too. What hopes and visions do you have for Primal Fears future and Sinners? Theres a new Primal Fear album recorded in the next months and we will record and mix most of the album in El Paso/Texas thats new or? Yes, we will coming to the States for our new album and we have a worldtour planned, starting in September. The album release is panned for April 29th 2002 ! Is it hard to split your time fairly for both bands? Do you find yourself wishing for more time with either band? I focus at the moment on Primal Fear we sold a lot of the Nuclear Fire album worldwide and toured massive. PF are my family, my friends, my home! How has Nuclear Blast Records been treating you and do you see a promising future with them? We resigned for another 5 albums, there will be a DVD of Primal Fear coming up etc. and Im a part of the game! Where is your favorite place to play a show? Tokyo, Sao Paulo, Stuttgart & Bochum in Germany, Barcelona, Paris and some more! Tom Nauman was one of the original members of Primal Fear; he was on Primal Fear and Jaws of Death, why did he leave the band after the second record? He got some personal troubles and it was better for both of us at this time. Tom played with us a charity show this summer and were the best friends. Theres a huge possibility that Tom will be record with me again in the future and he will be a part of the new Sinner album. Toms guitar playing was a massive part of Primal Fears tone and driving force, after he left I still can hear many ruminates of Toms driving metal guitar riffs on Nuclear Fire did they become a standard for Primal Fear? Henny is a very similar player and his style is very close to Toms. We call this the atomic Dur twins. What will happen when they play both together? But I have to say one thing in addition, that Stefan Leibing is an absolutely outstanding technical guitar player, who has the right hand of a devil! Favorite Primal Fear songs and why? Feel free to list as much as you like. Tears of Rage from the first album, cause it was the first song I wrote for PF Final Embrace from the second one, cause its a metal song, like metal should be in my view, Under your spell is one of the best songs Ive written in my entire career and then Angel in Black and Nuclear Fire of the Nuclear Fire album. What does the name Primal Fear mean, and what does it mean to you? Primal Fear is a cool band for a metal band. We worked a lot on the word FEAR in our lyrics and the fans should know, when Primal Fear is on the outside, you can trust theres Primal Fear on the inside. Favorite bands to tour and do shows with? I would have been proud to be a part of the next Van Halen tour, if theyre ever will be one. I prefer headline shows, cause we have resonsibility and its our stage. Favorite Heavy Metal bands and records? Judas Priest Defenders of the faith Metallica Metallica Thin Lizzy Thunder & Lightning Favorite Bassists? Sting, Phil Lynott, Billy Sheehan You list Kip Winger and Sting among other players as influences, how did they play a role in your musical shaping? The music, the arrangements, the instruments, the atmosphere hit totally my taste! What other works are you on? (Albums or compilations, with release years if possible) The Kovenant New World Order Pegazus Breaking the Chains The Heat Same The Heat Goldfinger Heartbreak Kids Saigon Blues David Hanselmann Album ....... and some more Favorite key to write in? No special favorite key Favorite trick or lick, or both? Describe or TAB it (optional) if you like. None Suggested Theory books or readings if any: None Could you see yourself playing any other style than Heavy Metal? Of course, I pay every kind of music Im not only a fan of heavy metal, even it is in my veins a good song, is a good song doesnt matter for me if its metal or not! You have a really thundering bass style, how did you get to the level that your currently at? I hit the strings very hard have an Ampeg sound system and I play special ESP bass guitars built by my friend Nori Ishi, and I play a special Warwick Streamer bass, built by my friend Stefen Manz that helps a lot! Bare fingers or picks and why? Pick mostly cause I need the attack! What advice can you give to ammeter and beginner players? Practicing tips, etc I have three practicing, practicing, practicing! Recommend any CDs for our readers to check out? Kip Winger This conversation seems like a dream What gear are you currently using? Ampeg SVT amps and speaker and Warwick amps and 410 speakers What do you think of the present state of Heavy Metal worldwide and where do you think its going? Good songs are the key. A good motivated band, with a good feeling and creative atmosphere. Some fun questions: What other outside interests do you have? (Hobbies, passions) Soccer, movies, wrestling, my kids and my girlfriend Favorite movies? Seven, X-files, Millennium, Along Came the Spider, The Rock, Silence of the Lambs Favorite actor and actress? Sean Connery, Nicloas Cage, Lance Hendikson, Anthony Hopkins Favorite food and drink? Shrimps with garlic, Vodka Cherry, Pina Colada, Beer Favorite book? Most of the books by Jan van Helsing Favorite Guitar, music or non-music Magazine: German soccer magazines J Favorite song? "Daniel," by Kip Winger Married or single? (For potential female fans!) Single Where do you get your stage clothing? From a special shop called X-Tra in Germany. What sports do you enjoy or take part in if any? Soccer, Swimming, Jogging Is your bass playing, touring, recording your full time job, or do you do that along with other things to supplement your income? Do you teach? No, Im part of the Nuclear Blast family go to their webpage and search for my face then you'll know! Favorite music related websites: www.rockhard.de Favorite Non-music related websites: www.prowrestling.com www.schalke04.de Homepage Url: www.primalfear.de Other sites you can be found on: http://www.nuclearblast.de /rocks.sinner.de Contact email address: matsinner@rocks.de List of band and fan club links: Go to our website www.primalfear.de and check out the contact page, there are a lot friends of our fan club The Metal Commando we have our own online web magazine etc. check it out! Stay Metal, Mat Sinner So that wraps it up folks. I hope you enjoyed this awesome interview with one of Heavy Metals top Commando Mat Sinner. I would like to thank Mat for taking the time from his very busy recording schedule to interview with us and for keeping the Metal sprit alive. Mat, The Shred Zone salutes you. | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | Stefan Leibing of Primal Fear Interview Composed by Nick Martinelli 11/14/2001 Completed 12/9/01 ![]() Give us some background and personal history about yourself. Birthplace, where you grew up, where you reside now, etc (As much as you like) I grew up in southern Germany in a little town with 20.000 inhabitants about 50km from Stuttgart, where now Primal Fear has its residence. Today I also live near Stuttgart in a small town with much nature. I dont like very much to live in big cities. I like more the silence of the country. What interests did you have when you were going up (hobbies, clubs etc) and do you still have them today? When I was small boy my hobbies were electronics. Growing older I started listening music and playing guitar. Today my hobbies beside music are mountain biking, electronics and computers. What music where you into early on and or just always a metal head? (List artists, bands and why you liked them) The first Metal band I liked was Rainbow. Than came Bands like Judas Priest and Metallica. Metallica were a real revolution when they started. I also liked Slayer even if Im not so much a fan of their lyrics. Then came a time where I was a big Yngwie Malmsteen fan. I liked his guitar playing even when I think he plays to much solos in his songs. The modern Bands I began to like where Bands like Faith no More, Clawfinger and Dream Theater. They all have influenced Heavy Metal in some new direction. Today I listen very much to non Heavy Metal Music like for example Kip Winger. This Music lets me relax very much. Playing Heavy Metal I have to much of this hard stuff around me so I need a compensation. Who are some of your favorite bands and artists; past, present, now? See 3. So when did you become interested in Guitar playing and when did you start playing? I started to play when I was 15 years old. A friend of mine was playing guitar, I found it cool. So I decided to do it also. Who are/were some of your guitar influences and who did you look up to early on that kicked you butt? Yngwie Malmsteen was the guy who influenced me the most. But Im glad to say that I think I made it not to sound like him. There are too many Malmsteen imitation clowns in this music scene. In playing rhythm guitar my idols where Bands like Metallica or Megadeth. What drove you to become the player you have become today? See 5. Wasteland, Comedy Club, Insanity where the band you were in before PF, what kind of bands where they for those who havent heard them before and how did you get involved with them? Wasteland was a Band were Klaus played. He told me that they were looking for a second guitarist. Wasteland was melodic power metal band. When they split up because of differences with the singer, Klaus and me went to Insanity. They were looking for a guitarist and a drummer cause their guitarist and their drummer had gone to the band Letter X. Insanity was a Power & Trash-Metal band. After some Years Insanity split up because of musical differences. The singer, the bass player and me formed a new band (Comedy Club) because we wanted to make more melodic music. Comedy Club went more in the direction Clawfinger / Faith No More. How did you become involved with Primal Fear? Comedy Club split up. Klaus was already with PF. So they asked me cause they wanted to have two guitarists and at this moment Tom was the only one in the band. How did you evolve into the gun slinging, head bashing, and Heavy Metal monster of a guitar player you are? Thank you! Train a lot. Listen a lot to what other guys play. Be honest to yourself. Recognize your weaknesses and your strengths. If you had to choose your favorite Primal Fear album what would it be and also what are your favorite PF tunes? Album: Nuclear Fire. Songs: Fight the Fire/ Angel In Black / Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove / Back from Hell / Church of Blood What can we expect from the coming Primal Fear CD? Can you share any album / song titles? A strong and colorful album like nuclear fire has been. Even a little more going to extremes. But Primal Fear as our fans like it. Titles are i.e.: Armageddon, Revolution, Fear (Dogs of War), Magic Eye, Light Years, Mind Machine, Mind Control What is it like being in one of the hottest, fastest, heaviest Power Metal bands on the scene these days? Great. I been around the world and have seen a lot in the last years. This I worth a lot. But Im far away from thinking that we are famous in any way. What kind of mindset do you have when you write songs and help put together an album? Its always a challenge, especially when you made a good album before and the expectations therefore are high. But you cant do anything than trying your best. I didnt have a chance to make it down to you first United States visit at the Milwaukee Metal fest this past summer (and beat myself up everyday for not being able to go), how did you like finally playing for an American Audience. I hear from others that us Americans cant rock as hard as the Euro fans? Did you notice any truth to that? Can we count on Primal Fear coming Stateside regularly? We liked playing in the states. Here in Europe the festivals for our kind of music are bigger thats true. So when we do big festivals here in Europe we may play in front of 20,000 people. The festivals in the States where much smaller. But the people in the states rock as hard as the Europeans do. So we sure will come back to the states! Ive often read that you guys have been heavily compared to Judas Priest articles saying, Theyve taken off where Painkiller left off. How do you feel about such comparisons? There me be some parallels. But we think the people exaggerate with this comparison What hopes and visions do you have for Primal Fears future? We hope that we will someday leave this underground state we have. But this is not the problem of PF, but the problem of Heavy Metal in general. Tom Naumans guitar playing was a massive part of Primal Fears tone and driving force on Primal Fear and Jaws of Death, after he left I still can hear many ruminates of Toms driving metal guitar riffs on Nuclear Fire did they become a standard for Primal Fear? When you joined PF did you have to adjust to Toms playing style on Jaws of Death? This is very simple. Cause Tom is still playing some guitars in the studio! Just kidding! ;-) When I joined to PF first I felt responsible for bringing the harder stuff to the Band. When Tom left of course the PF style had to be continued. But with the time that I had spent with PF I had already had been influenced by the PF style. It was no problem for me to continue this. Finally, also Henny is a guitar player very much in the style of Tom. So this change was not problematic. Now that Tom is gone, youve taken over along the guitar riffing with Henny Wolter; why did you still keep the same evolving style of riffing that the first to records had, because most guitar players when given the chance forget what the others have done in the past and try to go a different way? An example of this would be the dramatic changes in Helloweens sound after Kai Hanson left the band. It would have been a big mistake to totally change the style, even if its only the guitar style. There may be a development, but it may not be too fast. And you may not through everything away that made a band successful. Favorite Primal Fear riffs and solos and why they are? Feel free to list as much as you like. Riffs: Fight the Fire I like very much. At the new album there will be an even more harder an more riff oriented songs in the tradition of Fight the Fire. Look forward to it. Solos: ?? Many! One of my favorite songs of the new album Nuclear Fire, is Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove. What is the meaning of the lyrics and how did the song take shape? The meaning of Song is simply a love song. This song almost didnt make it on the record, cause some people in the band thought it didnt fit with PF. Im glad that it finally made it on the CD. The great acceptance of this song by the fans makes me happy. Would you ever consider doing solo CDs? Not yet. Maybe some time. At the moment I dont have the need to. Have any funny performance experiences to share? I often get this question. But I always dont know what to tell. We have many funny situations. But mostly insiders. Where is your favorite place to play a show? Brazil and Japan would be fine again! We played there two or three years ago and it was great! Favorite bands to tour and do shows with? I would have liked Faith No More or Dream Theatre. But for a tour their styles wouldnt fit with PF. Faith No More unfortunately doesnt exist anymore! Really sad! Hardcore Music Questions: Favorite Heavy Metal bands and records? The Bands I already told you. Favorite Album: Dream Theatre, Images and Words Favorite guitarists? Formerly: Yngwie Malmsteen. Nowadays: John Petrucci You and most of the members of Primal fear list Judas Priest as one of your favorite bands. How did they influence you as a guitar player and musician? When I started playing guitar, I trained playing many of their songs. And their music was simply great! Ive also read at the Primal Fear website that youre a big Slayer fan as well along with priest. What guitar techniques, styles did you adapt into your personal playing style from them? With Slayer it was more the riffing than the soloing! ;-) From Judas Priest I played their songs and their solos for training. We all wish we could be in one of your favorite bands. What band would that be, excluding Primal Fear? Dream Theatre, as a guitar roady! ;-) What is your favorite part of your playing style? Fast precise guitar solos. Heavy riffing. What other works are you on? (Albums or compilations, with release years if possible) Only PF. I totally satisfied with this at the moment! Favorite Scale or Mode? Minor Favorite key to write in? E Recommended playing technique: Nothing special. Suggested Theory books or readings if any: I formerly was reading music magazines. This workshops are usually very helpful in theory. Nowadays I think it may be helpful to listen to learning Videos. When I started playing there were not much learning Videos. Can you see yourself playing any other style than Heavy Metal? I sometimes think about doing simple guitar oriented rock music just to get to know other dimensions of the guitar style. You have a really monstrous guitar style, how did you get to the level that your currently at? Very much training. The first ten years when I was starting to play I was playing three hours a day, seven days a week, in a very fanatic way! Nowadays I have become a little bit lazy in this point. But I can keep my standard. In the song Play to Kill on Jaws of Death there is a lick that you do repeatedly throughout the song. To me it sounds like super super fast palm muting in a descending pattern. It appears first at 00:21 of the track. Can you fill us in as to what you are doing and how? Maybe share some TAB with us (optional). I think you mean the part in the drum break, before Ralf starts to sing. Actually I play the three notes F E D repeatedly! The second voice is C B A! You have some killer leads on the two CDs you appeared on for Fear, how do you write your solos? I very often just improvise and then take out the best parts of that. With this chosen parts than I make to a solo. When I do melodic solos I think about what could sound interesting. Your solos have lots of variety and flare. What lead techniques do you predominately use in your solos? What licks and/or scale/mode patterns do you like use? Usually normal minor scales mixed with minor pentatonic scales. You such have a driving rhythm guitar sound its not even funny. How do you come up with such catchy and head banging riffs and how do you evolve them into full songs? Just thinking nothing else! What advice can you give to a mmeter and beginner players? Practicing tips, etc Be busy in training. If you want to do solos also learn to play the blues. Feeling is often sometimes more that speed. Watch what other guitar players do. If you want to learn it by yourself dont miss to get the harmonic basics by reading books or magazines. Share you experiences with other players. Keep an Eye on your hearing. Dont play to loud! Use Earplugs or in ear monitoring when playing in a band! Recommend any CDs for our readers to check out? See my favorite CD. What guitars do you use and why? Have you made any upgrades, modifications, or had custom work done on them? (Pickups, wiring, etc) Formerly I played a BC Rich Warlock and an Ibanez Destroyer. I tuned them with Seymour Duncan SH-6 and OBL-XL Pickups. Nowadays I play an ESP M-II Custom. This has Seymour Duncan SH-4. It sounds great without any modifications. I would die for the amplifiers and tone you have. What amps do you use and what tone settings do you have them set to for clean, and overdriven work? Can you share your rhythm and lead settings with us? PLEASE!!! In studio I play an ENGL Savage 120. I sounds great. Clean: this varies from time to time Rhythm: Bass 8 / Middle 5 / Treble 6 / Hi-Balance 10 / Contour Switch and Rough / Smooth Switch not pressed / Gain 7 / Lead boost pressed Lead: Like Rhythm a little more distorted The most guitarists do the fault, that the turn down the mids and boost the bass and treble too much. So the guitar sound might when played alone, but doesnt push through in the band. The frequency of 400Hz is very important for a strong guitar sound. But too much of it makes the sound too much washed. What other gear are you currently using for studio recording and live situations; racks units, pedals, effects and so on? My Live Rack consists of: Engl Tube Preamp 530 Marshall 19" Stereo-Power-Amp 9100 Rocktron Intellipitch Alesis Quadraverb Alesis 3630 Dual Compressor / Noisegate Rocktron PRO-GAP 2 Samson CR-4 Wireless system Korg DT-1 Racktuner Yamaha MFC-10 Foot controller (For switching effects and playing keyboard) Korg NX5R Keyboard Expander What kind of strings and picks do you use and their sizes? I like to play 042 009 or 046 009. When I use 042 live they break to often. I hit them to strong when Im on the stage. Changing the strings every gig couldnt prevent me the last tour from breaking the deep E or A string on the gig. Its the adrenaline that makes you hit stronger than you are playing usually. 042 are easier to play if you want to pull the bass string. Tom played 046 010. I cant play these 010 ones. Pulling them kills my fingers. What do you think of the present state of Heavy Metal worldwide and where do you think its going? Its not a famous as it was 1984 but it is much better than it was 5 years. I hope that it will get even better. Some fun questions: Favorite movies? Forest Gump Favorite actor and actress? Nicholas Cage Favorite food and drink? Too much Married or single? (For potential female fans!) Married! What sports do you enjoy or take part in if any? Mountain biking. Is your guitar playing, touring, recording your full time job, or do you do that along with other things to supplement your income? Do you teach? At the moment we cant live from the music very well. Ive studied electronics. And I work as a software developer at a big company. We all have jobs beside PF. I dont teach guitar playing. It would cost me too much nerves. ;-) Favorite Non-music related websites: www.ebay.de Homepage Url: www.primalfear.de Lastly, any closing words, or things that come to mind that we may have over looked in the course of this interview? Words of wisdom maybe Be faithful to PF and to Heavy Metal. Hope to see you all on tour! Had enough Fear fans? Thats all for now. The Shred Zone would like to thank Stefan Leibing for taking time out of his busy schedule to do this interview. Stefan, you are a true Heavy Metal Commando. I raise my fist in metal glory and give you the 2-horned salute for you brother. You are a true Metal God! | ![]() | ![]() |
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